The Cardboard Republic

Weekly Roundup 4/24/14

Weekly News


New Games:

Sons of Anarchy is about to be a board game. So . . . ok. I’ve got nothing. I mean, will it be good? We’ll see. It’s being put out by Gale Force Nine, and I think they did a decent job on Firefly and Spartacus. So . . . ok. (via BGG)

Bedpans and Broomsticks is a game that challenges you, a nursing home resident, to escape the dreaded halls of Shady Pines rest home. I’m pretty sure Shady Pines was also the name of the nursing home everyone threatened to send Sophia back to on The Golden Girls. I’m not necessarily proud that I remember that . . . but Golden Girls was a good show. I don’t actually know how the game plays yet so, instead, I offer you more Golden Girls. (Game info via BGG; Golden Girls info via my encyclopedic ‘90s feminist brainspace)

And Villainy is a narrative-driven game based around becoming the most evil-est supervillain. (via BGG)



The Marvel dice game isn’t even universally on the market yet, but it’s getting an Avengers expansion. Jumping the gun, perhaps? Still, I do love me a dice game . . . (via BGG)


Other News:

Mensa has chosen Gravwell as their game of the year, and while their choices are often . . . unconventional, this is one I wholeheartedly agree with. Here’s why.



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