The Cardboard Republic

Weekly Roundup 3/20/14

Weekly News


New Games:

Chimera is a trick-taking game due out in Q4 by Z-Man Games. (via BGG)

Seventh Hero is a card game put out by Kuro and AEG with a blend of set-collection and drafting mechanics. (via BGG)

Panamax is an economic game that, based on the descriptions, has a unique dice-placement mechanic. (via BGG)

Wizard’s Academy is a co-op, scenario-based game in which a group of inept first-year wizards attempt to save the day/impress Dumbledore. (via BGG)

From Bezier Games, expect to see Subdivision and Castles of Mad King Ludwig out in 2014. Subdivision is a city-building game and Castles is a castle-building game. Both involve laying tiles, but the gameplay is about as different as the theme. (via BGG)

If there wasn’t enough of them just yet, Steve Jackson Games has announced Munchkin Panic and Munchkin: Loot Letter, which spoof Castle Panic and Love Letter, respectively. Next up, Munchkin Shark. Where you jump the shark.

Speaking of ever-growing lines of more-of-the-same, Fantasy Flight has announced yet another LCG – Warhammer 40k: Conquest, based in the 40k universe. It’s only a matter of time before you hear people chanting “For the Emperor!” when shuffling.



Fantasy Flight is releasing Trouble in Tharbad for LotR: The Card Game.

Dungeon Fighter: The Big Wave gives you new monsters and equipment, pirates, and new maps as well as a few other additions. (via BGG)


Crowdfunding Corner:

Pleasant Dreams is a tactical, push-your-luck card game by Aerjen Tamminga for two players. It features really beautiful (sometimes cute, sometimes chilling) art work, and it revolves around that moment when you realize that your dream is becoming a nightmare. Players manipulate each other’s dreams into terrors while trying to preserve their own peaceful slumber. $13 will get you a copy of the game.


Other News:

There have been announcements coming out of Gen Con about True Dungeon, one of its largest attractions. They’ll be located in Hall A this year, and they’ve released the 2014 token collection. (via Initiative: Tabletop)


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