The Cardboard Republic

Tim Fowers Hints At Legacy Burgle Bros.


Do you have it in you to handle one last big score? And when I say big, let me stress that none of us are sure exactly how large of an operation we’re talking about. All we know is that designer Tim Fowers has just hinted that he may be working on a new version of Burgle Bros. that includes elements of legacy-style gameplay.

Fowers first released his cooperative game of high-stakes burglary in 2015 in which players work together to pull off the robbery of a building filled with security measures without getting caught. During an exchange on Twitter, the designer followed a seemingly innocuous wish for a legacy version of the game by teasing ‘Funny you mention that.’

Afterwards, Fowers cemented things a bit on Reddit, writing “it’s still very early so can’t say much, but I’m always open to community ideas for stuff to include.” He also circled back around with us on Twitter, noting that while the project is still “early,” he’s currently working with Angelus Morningstar of the website Story Board Webseries on the game in some capacity.

While we wait on pins and needles, anyone who hasn’t yet picked up the game can head on over to the official website to preorder a reprint of Burgle Bros., which should be coming soon.

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