The Cardboard Republic

Stefan Feld’s Next Game Sounds Magical

Since 2005, game designer Stefan Feld has made a name for himself creating board games rife with choices and strategic depth. Games like The Castles of Burgundy and Trajan are hallmark examples of Feld’s passion for thinky gameplay, something we expect to continue later this year in his next game, Merlin.

Merlin appears to keep with many elements from the designer’s previous games, with several colored dice and wooden pawns situated around a gorgeously illustrated game board. The game also appears to be rather icon-heavy, and judging by the name seems to be somehow rooted in the legend of King Arthur.

While little else is known, Queen Games’ Ulrich Fonrobert has taken to Twitter to confirm that Merlin will be shown by the publisher during the Essen Game Fair this October.

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