The Cardboard Republic

Welcoming David Gordon to CR

Today I am happy to formally announce a new regular contributor to the Cardboard Republic site, David Gordon! From his bio:

An avid gamer for his entire life, several of his earliest childhood memories include learning how to play Chess and Risk from family members. He has worked for Wizards of the Coast, and spends his days balancing the pursuit of professional authorship with the needs of keeping a roof over his head and food on his table. In what time he can spare, he enjoys horror movies, video games, and Warmachine.

David has a wealth of experience with games, especially with tabletops that are a bit off the beaten path, and we’re happy to provide him an outlet where he can share some of those games with all of you. His first series of articles are part of his new larger column, “You Should Be Playing”. Be sure to check it out, and continue to check back regularly for more of his gaming suggestions.

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