The Cardboard Republic


Hello Twitterverse!

I am here to briefly explain the elusive #StarDrive14 hashtag. In short, is something I will be doing during Extra Life’s 24 hours of gaming. And it’ll be centering around the digital version of Star Realms.

See, the thing is, while I really like the game, I’m not the best at it. In reality, I prefer more methodical deckbuilders with a slow buildup, and Star Realms doesn’t do that. But it’s such a good game that I still enjoy playing the online version whenever I can.

And I want your help to do exactly that. During the 24 hour period, I want you to challenge me to a game or 12 of Star Realms.

My ID is ‘Fireraven‘, an old Warcraft 2 handle I used when I also would lose repeatedly.

For every game I win during the Extra Life period, I will be donating $1 to the Extra Life charity.

For every game I lose, I will be donating 25 cents.

(I expect to lose a lot.)


I will accept any challenge made starting on the morning of October 25th, and the games must conclude by 10AM the following morning to count. I will do my best to respond as often as I can (I will be organizing and running other games as well), but I promise not to deliberately stall or avoid them.

So, let’s do this. If I win, kids win. And if I lose, the kids still win. I like those odds.

Bring it on!

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